




Socket & Allied Screws manufactures socket screws in a comprehensive range of materials in any quantity to meet customers' requirements.


Imperial No. 0 to 4"

Metric M2.5 to M100






Metric Fine


Metric Coarse



Socket and Allied manufacture socket set screws in high grade 14.9 alloy steel, and many other alloys including all grades of stainless steel and yellow metals. Socket set screws are also available in nylon to be used with the manufacture and application of glass. All socket screws fasten to a mating part.

Socket set screw point is selected according to criteria of application and offers three types of holding power – Torsional (resistance to rotation); Axial (resistance to lateral movement); Vibrational. The size selection, holding power and relative hardness is a consideration for the correct socket set screw. As a rule of thumb, the size of the screw diameter should be roughly one half of the shaft. Holding power is almost directly proportional to seating torque in a cup, flat, oval point socket screw. Greater holding power reduces the number of socket screws required and the assembled cost of the application.

Oval Point Set Screws are used where frequent adjustments may be required and used in such applications where the oval point of the socket set screw connects with the mating part at an angle.

Flat Point Set Screws are used on such applications where there is a requirement for frequent resetting as the flat point causes little or no damage to the part it bears against.

Cone Point Set Screws are used in permanent location of parts – particularly pivots and fine adjustments; deep penetration gives highest axial and holding power.

Dog Point Set Screws used for permanent location of one part to another – often replaces dowel pins. Point is spotted in hole drilled in shaft or against flat (milled); works well against hardened members or hollow tubing.

To order, or for more information call 0121 386 7200 or use our Contact Form

Socket & Allied Screws Ltd.
Austin Way
B42 1DU

Tel: 0121 386 7200
Fax: 0121 386 7210
Email: sales@socket-allied.com

© Socket and Allied Screws Limited 2016

Socket & Allied Screws Ltd.
Austin Way l Hamstead l Birmingham l B42 1DU
Tel: 0121 386 7200 l Fax: 0121 386 7210
Email: sales@socket-allied.com


